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Frankincense. It has been traded since the time of Zoroaster; A whole world built upon it long before it was introduced to Herodotus or Pliny. It is one of the oldest and most renowned aromatics, and the long-reigning king of incense. Even at the crux of one of the most well-known and socially significant stories of all time, Frankincense has an even broader and dynamic history, from spirituality to medicine. A history that spans the known-world from the Near East and south into Africa, spanning to the "Far East" - and that's just the first few millennia.

The harvested resin of the trees in the genus Boswellia, Frankincense is a diverse and unique substance ranging from monoterpenoids, to acids, to gums, to alcohols, and more. Many Boswellia share similarities in the chemical makeup of their volatiles, but each has a unique and individual footprint, ranging from widely variable proportions of the same general compounds, to unique compounds found only in one species. There are around 30 species of Boswellia, of which around 10-15 have historically been "tapped" for resin. We have provided 9, 100% ethically-sourced resins, which we believe to be an excellent display of the resin's most unique qualities, as well as a range from which you will experience ( almost ) all of the "core scents" of Frankincense.

This kit includes the frankincense ( resin ) from 9 different species of Boswellia, including a rare, almost never exported grade of an already uncommon resin - 10 in total. The kit also includes 4 different distillations of different frankincense types provided in the kit, with notes on the chemical composition of each ( full GC/MS upon request ) as well as how they relate to the core kits, and finally 2 new numbered Orange and Red group additions: Orange and Red #1 - Octyl Acetate and Octanol, key components in several different resins and distillations included in the kit.

v1.1 update: We previously have discussed our regret that the very unique Yemeni Frankincenses from the islands of Socotra ( such as: B. dioscoridis and B. socotrana ) can be a product of exploitative labor and opaque processes; We are so happy to tell you that we have locked in a reputable source, and the v1.1 will contain full sized samples of B. elongata, and B. socotrana resin as well. We take human and ecological welfare extremely seriously, so please, enjoy these rarities knowing their sale benefitted the wonderful people of a deeply troubled country, not exploited them further in their time of need. For this same reason, we have temporarily stopped including the "honey" ( first tap ) grade of B. neglecta, as concerns deepen about equity for Kenyan and Somalian working with the rarest grades of African frankincense. If there is a source that meets our standards, it will most certainly be back for v1.2! Waxing has also been removed from all screw top glass bottles in an attempt to be more inclusive of those with any physical limitations. We are still happy to wax seal kit bottles upon request!

PSC Suggestion ( Crybaby ): There is a lot to explore with the Beloved kit, and the notes included will be a great starting point. A quick run down should mention that both the frankincenses and the distillations include many of the compounds found in the basic and advanced kits,  and this will help you further identify them in complex compositions. The kit will also introduce you to alpha-Thujene, a deceptively rare monoterpene ( C10H16 hydrocarbon / "true terpene" ) related to Sabinene, that is also found in non-negligible quantities in eucalyptus, thyme, and cannabis, as well as some of the very few distinct aromatic diterpenoids such as Incensole, Incensole Acetate, and Cembrenol ( Serratol ) which are almost non-existent in the form of natural isolates. The diterpenes are often paired with compounds you're already familiar with from the basic and advanced kit, or are part of the expansion itself. There's really a lot here to unpack here!

"Beloved" - Frankincense Expansion Kit (US ONLY)

Out of Stock
  • Frankincense Expansion Kit Includes:

    • Resins ( Frankincenses )
      Serrata ( India )
      Papyrifera ( Sudan )
      Dalzielii ( Nigeria )
      Sacra ( Oman )
      Rivae ( Ethiopia )
      Occulta ( Somalia )
      Neglecta ( Kenya - G1 Black / Dakara )
      Carterii ( Somalia )
      Frereana ( Somalia )
      Elongata ( Yemen )
      Socotrana ( Yemen )
    • Natural Isolates
      Red #11 - Octanol ( Alcohol C8 )
      Orange #11 - Octyl Acetate ( Acetate C8 )
    • Resin Distillations
      Neglecta Distillation - Kenya
      Alpha-Pinene - 48%
      Beta-Pinene - 12%
      Sabinene - 12%
      Delta-3-Carene - 6%

      Serrata Distillation - India
      Alpha-Thujene - 69%
      Beta-Pinene - 6%
      Sabinene - 6%
      Alpha Pinene - 5.5%

      Carterii Distillation - Somalia
      Alpha-Pinene - 26%
      Incensole/Cembrenol (Total) - 13% 
      Limonene - 7%
      Beta-Myrcene - 4.5%

      Papyrifera Distillation - Ethiopia
      Octyl Acetate - 72%
      Octanol - 6%
      Incensole/Incensole Acetate (Total) - 5%
      Alpha-Pinene - 4%
    • Extras
      Stainless Dish
      Shisha-Type Charcoal
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